Draft Terms of Reference now open for public comment.
The Borumba Pumped Hydro Project EIS moves to next stage of planning and environment approvals.
Queensland Hydro is currently seeking planning and environment approvals from the Federal and Queensland governments for the Borumba Pumped Hydro Project.
These approvals are being sought for both the Project’s exploratory works and main works phases.
On Saturday 17 February 2024, the Office of the Coordinator-General announced that the draft Terms of Reference for the Project’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) were now available for public comment. The EIS relates to the Project’s main works approvals.
Read more to understand what this means and how you can provide your comment.
What is an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)?
An Environmental Impact Statement, or EIS, reports on the assessment of the social, economic, and environmental matters that may be impacted by a project.
Last year, both the state and federal governments determined that an integrated EIS would be used as the assessment tool for approvals for the Project’s main works phase. The Queensland Government’s Office of the Coordinator-General (OCG) is coordinating the integrated EIS process for the Borumba Project.
An EIS must abide by a Terms of Reference, which is a set of criteria unique to each Project. The Terms of Reference (TOR) sets out the content requirements that Queensland Hydro must address as part of the EIS submission.
Prior to finalising the Terms of Reference, the Coordinator-General will invite other state government agencies to comment on whether it adequately covers all relevant matters. The Coordinator-General will also seek comments from the public.
During the consultation period, OCG will consider relevant advice, comment, or information from anyone to ensure that their interests are addressed in the TOR. The OCG will then issue a final Terms of Reference for the Project.
Read more about the process on the OCG's website.
How can I have input into the Terms of Reference?
Stakeholder engagement is a key priority for us to ensure we deliver the best outcomes for both Queensland as a whole and the local communities. As a renewable energy project, our aim is to deliver environmental, economic and social benefits above the climate benefits of pumped hydro.
Stakeholders who wish to participate in the public comment period can find more information, including a copy of the draft TOR, on the OCG website. The public comment period is open until Thursday 28 March 2024.
Click here to read the draft TOR.
Queensland Hydro will use both our ongoing stakeholder engagement activities and public comment periods to involve stakeholders in the assessment and development of management measures and offset solutions. Make sure to keep up to date via our Events page.
To keep up to date with the approvals, make sure to subscribe to our mailing list using the form below. You can also contact our Borumba Team via [email protected] or on 1800 433 939.
About the Project
The Borumba Pumped Hydro Project is a 2,000 MW pumped hydro energy storage facility located at Lake Borumba, near Imbil. If approved, it will form the cornerstone of Queensland’s transition to renewable energy, providing the stability and reliability required to keep the lights on when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing.
First published 19 February 2024.