How can we guarantee enough energy to meet demand?
what is hydro?
Pumped hydro explained
Pumped hydro captures and stores excess energy when wind and solar is generating, and releases it back to the grid when it’s not. This technology ensures power can be available to Queensland homes and businesses on-demand, minute-to-minute. It’s a proven way to store large amounts of energy and is the key to reliably transition Queensland to a renewable energy system.
24 hours
On-demand energy supply
100 years
Working lifespan of assets for a clean energy future
2.3 million
Households supported by safe, reliable energy
how it works
How pumped hydro works
Pumped hydro works when excess energy generated from wind and solar is used to pump water from a lower reservoir up to a higher reservoir and stores this excess energy.
At peak times when energy is required, the water is released back downhill spinning turbines connected to generators, rapidly releasing stored power to Queensland homes and businesses when it’s needed.
The power output produced by the wind and sun can change quickly, but fast and flexible pumped hydro has the tools to keep the energy system reliable and secure – having long-duration energy storage in the mix is the only way to reliably transition to a renewable energy system.
The Role of hydro
How do we make the most out of renewable energy?
Pumped hydro energy storage is the foundation of a successful and sustainable clean energy mix. It makes it possible to access energy generated by wind and solar during the day, store it, and then use it at peak times in the morning and evening, as well as overnight when there’s no sunshine. It’s also our back up on days when the sun doesn’t shine, or the wind doesn’t blow.
Community Engagement
Working with our communities
We care about our communities and stakeholders, and want you to have a proper say in the work we’re doing.