22 January, 2025 · 2 MIN READ

Fingerling release at Lake Borumba.

Queensland Hydro has accompanied the Lake Borumba Fish Stocking Association for their annual fingerling release at Lake Borumba.

In early January 2025, members of Queensland Hydro’s Borumba Pumped Hydro Project team accompanied the Lake Borumba Fish Stocking Association (LBFSA) for their annual fingerling release at Lake Borumba.

Carried out over the summer months, the release ensures that the Lake retains a healthy balance of aquatic species, remaining a popular recreational destination for locals and visitors alike. Queensland Hydro recognises the importance of Lake Borumba, both as a beloved community recreational asset and its economic role in tourism for the township of Imbil and surrounds.

This year, the association released 75,000 fingerlings, including:

  • Mary River Cod
  • Australian Bass
  • Golden Perch
  • Silver perch

Since 1968, the LBFSA has been able to purchase and release 2,709,881 fish fingerlings into Lake Borumba, including over 1 million Australian Bass and 1.2 million Golden Perch. Other species include Spangled Perch, Saratoga, Garfish and Rainbow Trout.

This is the third consecutive year that Queensland Hydro has attended the fingerling release. This year, our representatives included Fiona Martin, Head of Stakeholder Engagement and Communication, Ian Davies, Construction Manager and Lynda Williams, Senior Advisor, Stakeholder Engagement.

The LBFSA is a volunteer organisation with members that span across south-east Queensland. They provide an essential service by ensuring recreational fishing can continue at Lake Borumba while simultaneously helping threatened freshwater species to recover. Find out more about the LBFSA and how you can support them via their Facebook page.

First published 22 January 2025.